Prior Grants Funded

Here are Creative Grants awarded in the last two school years and the amounts.

Grants funded during the 2023 -24 School Year:

Genetics and Watersheds (LCHS for $807)

This project provides students hands-on experience with testing water within the local watershed and to analyze and interpret observed data.  The tests and data will be paired with genetics testing of plants within the classroom. In addition, students will grow plants, predict the color pattern of the offspring using Punnett squares and conduct cross pollination of the parent plants. 

Bee Foraging (LCHS for $1,256)

This project engages students in identifying and improving the native food sources for school hives through pollen DNA extraction and sequencing. 

Marvelous Math Kits (TJES for $676)

The project aims to reinforce math goals by creating individualized take home practice kits.  These kits will be fluency/math games that reinforce the state standards and will be catered to individual needs of the student.

Wilds Calms The Child (TJES for $1,000)

This project partners with non-profit organization Wildrock to bring more nature engagement to the school culture.                     

What in the World (JES for $1,020)

This grant provided funds to purchase new globes for all 12 Kindergarten through second grade classrooms. 

Transforming Classrooms to increase Educational Outcomes (JES for $1,000)

This project transforms the classroom into thematic learning environments, encouraging engagement with the curriculum and each other.  Room transformations will include a Dinosaur Room, Doctor / Hospital Room, and a Candyland Theme room planned to include STEM activities.

Reading is “Turtley” Cool (TES for $300)

This project provided funding for a turtle habitat for the school’s reading support tortoise.  The program primarily focuses on struggling readers in 3rd through 5th grades and will expand the current reading buddy program to include student developed passion projects related to the tortoise reading buddy.

Bluebird Nesting Boxes (LCHS for $765)

The grant provided funding to construct and install bluebird nesting boxes in open spaces around the school campus.

Market Day (TEJ for $1,000)

This project provides students with real world cross curricular experience with an innovative and creative approach to teach economics by encourages students to become entrepreneur’s as they work in team to create, market and sell a product.

Mirrorless Camera / Literary Magazine (LCHS for $865)

Funds were used to purchased a mirrorless camera for the purpose of photographing and publishing student artwork and assisting students with learning photography techniques. In addition the grant recipients are collaborating together to develop the inaugural issue of the Louisa County High School Literary magazine which will highlight student artwork, artistic photography, poetry and other creative works.

24 Game Challenge and Tournament (LCMS & all Elementary Schools for $1,242)

The purpose of this project is to provide students in second through eighth grade opportunities to improve their computation and mental math skills using the 24 Game. The 24 Game is a unique mathematics teaching tool designed to sharpen students' mental math, number sense, critical thinking, problem-solving and pattern sensing. The object of the game is to make the number 24 using all four numbers on the card. Players can add, subtract, multiply and divide, but they can only use each number once. The game goes beyond classroom use through tournament play, both at the school and division level.

Stability Balls in the Classroom (LCMS for $216)

Funds were used to purchase eight stability balls for student use in the classroom. The stability balls allow students to “wiggle” and “fidget” while focusing on their work.

Grants funded during the 2022-23 School Year:

Artisan Market ($1,000)

The proposal implements an immersive, engaging event for third graders. Students will choose business partners and plan, create, and sell goods during a spring market.

Culinary Garden Project (LCHS for $1,346)

The project will bring the classroom outdoors. Project will be used to work on menu planning, farm to table concept and food cost controls. The food produced in the garden will be used for the instruction of Culinary Arts and be given to the high school cafeteria and Louisa County Resource Council.

Evaluating Louisa Biodiversity (LCHS for $581)

This is a renewal associated with a previously funded grant. The project will engage students and community members in locating, identifying, and mapping the diversity of animal and plant species on LCPS properties and throughout the community.           

Honeybee Apiary (LCHS for $571)

The LCHS Apiary is an ongoing project designed to educate our students about the importance of honeybees in our ecosystem. The current application requests funds for educational materials geared to all age groups.  Previously funded proposals included funds for the purchase of protective suits for student use and hive construction and maintenance.

Mathete Fridays (LCMS for $1,000)

The objective of Mathlete Fridays is to enhance the objectives based on the 6th grade learning standards by encouraging intrinsic effort on the part of students. Mathlete Fridays will reinforce the concepts taught throughout the week. Students earn the opportunity to participate in these days by demonstrating good citizenship and completion of work.

Reading Olympics ($3,057)

Through preparation, collaboration, discussion and reading, students will grow their quantity and quality of books read. Collaboration with the Louisa County Library via a field trip will kick off the event. Communication and collaboration skills will be developed through engaging ‘book club’ discussions. The project will span the entire school year.

Setup For Success: Classroom Calm Down Kits ($1,163)

The purpose of the project is to improve students learning experience by providing tools to assist in self-managing emotions while remaining in the classroom. Calm down kits will include things like fidget toys, breathing balls, and educational tools that help students identify their emotions. In addition, postcard sized cards will be provided to all students and staff that lists coping skills and strategies to use in times of distress.

Work-Based Education Expansion (LCHS for $1,236)

The proposal is to expand and improve work-based learning opportunities for high school students with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism. The requested funds will allow the existing Lions Brew coffee cart service to expand by creating an ‘in-house’ coffee shop experience for students and staff. As noted in the proposal, the equipment will continue to have utility for 4-5 years expanding the population of students served.