Current Scholarships

The Scholarship Committee at LEF was established in October 2009. It started by offering two scholarships to 2010 graduates and has now grown to administer 15 scholarships in 2024, including both LEF-funded and other scholarships.

The total amount committed for scholarships is $65,000.

The committee consists of five LEF Board Members but this number may change each year. Their main tasks include creating applications for graduating seniors, distributing them to LCHS Guidance Offices who in then make sure graduating students are aware of the opportunities. LEF reviews and selects award recipients, and ensures compliance with scholarship guidelines. Final approval is given by the LEF Board, and once approved, the scholarship committee notifies the school of the award recipients.

The Executive Director, along with the committee, provides information and instructions to the recipients for forwarding their awards to their chosen colleges. They also monitor recipients' compliance with the process and any special conditions of the scholarships.

Barbara Wilson and Jeff Caffrey announce 2024 Scholarship awards, May 2024.


Online Applications